Monday, October 19, 2015


What is climate?

Climate is the type of weather in different parts of the world over a period of time.There are 12 different types of climate! These are grouped into five categories which are tropical, moderate, continental, polar and dry. I will compare the climate in North America and South America.


North America Climate versus South America Climate

Fun fact: there are EIGHT different types of climate in North America! 
Climate in North America:
  • Deciduous forest – Four seasons with warm summers and cold, winters. The trees shed their leaves in autumn.
  • Coniferous forest - Also known as Taiga, cold and dry with snowy winters and warm summers.
  • Tundra - Winters are very cold, summers are warm and there is little rainfall. Has been below freezing for two years!
  • Alpine/mountain - Cold, windy and snowy. It is winter from October to May and summer is from June to September.
  • Rainforest – Hot weather and a lot of rain all year!
  • Desert – Warm to hot with not that much rain.
  • Grassland - Hot summers and cold winters with a lot of rain.
  • Mediterranean - Warm to high temperatures with rain in the autumn and winter months.

Fun fact: Climate varies in South America depending on the area! 
Climate in South America:
  •  Has wet and dry season.
  • In the Andean area from May to November is the coldest and driest time of year.
  • The further away from the equator the more wet the weather.
  • Even amounts of rain throughout the year.
  • You can only get to Antarctica from November to March and then it is blocked by ice!
  • Two weather phenomenons are La Nina and El Nino!
If I had to choose I would want to stay living in North America! There are so many different parts of North America that I could travel to with my family and I could see what different climate is like. Where I live, I already get to see what different climate is like because we have four seasons and the weather is sometimes hot and cold and then really hot and really cold! I like living in North America and I would stay here!

Climate Comparison

 Obtain and combine
 information to describe 
climates in different 
regions of the world.

For today's blog, we will be researching and writing about 

Different parts of the world have different climate. Climate is the weather conditions in a part of the world over a period of time.

The different parts of the world are called regions. Regions are areas divided by different physical characteristics. The region we live in is called North America.

This is a map of North America, our region.

For this assignment you will do the following:
  1. You will work independently. 
  2. You will research about the type of climate there is in North America, our region.
  3. You will choose another region in the world and compare the climate thereto the climate we have in North America.
  4. Post on Climate Comparison your findings from your research. Include:

    • a title for your post
    • state the two regions you are comparing
    • photos of the type of climate in each region
    • a short narrative about different types of climate
    • where you would rather live and why

*You will choose the other region that you are going to compare from this website: